Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Celebrations

2009 Christmas was a busy time of year....we were going to Baton Rouge for the holiday, Joyce & Dennis were going to Arkansas and to Oklahoma and the Williams family was going skiing so the weekend before Christmas we all got together at The Williams House in Richmond and had our James family Christmas there. Lots of fun things were exchanged and of course we all got our annual underwear and socks from Joyce :) isn't a Christmas with out them! The two things I was super excited about: Tracy finally got a jacket that he can wear (other than that Starter jacket) and I got a spa day!!!!! Abby got tons of cute clothes. After presents we all went to Texas Roadhouse for a traditional steak Christmas dinner :) LOL.

Alec unwrapping his socks and underwear!

Katie seemed a little embarrassed when she opened her socks and underwear...she wouldn't let any of us see them.

Dennis wondering where his socks and underwear are

Mom...when do I get socks and underwear?

On Christmas Christmas Eve we left Texas to travel to Louisiana. Our first stop was Lafayette to visit my Cooper, Christy, Hailey and Andrew (brother and family). We got there late and it was pretty much to bed for everyone. On Christmas Eve we were able to spend the whole morning with Hailey and Andrew. Andrew loved playing with Abby...I love that they are so close in age. We ate great gumbo for lunch and helped Hailey make cookies for Santa. Abby came away with a huge wheelbarrow of Mega Blocks.
We left Lafayette after Abby woke up from her nap and went to Baton Rouge. While there we visited Ms Sally and Mr. Aaron and Abby loved just climbing up and down the steps and playing with the big pillows (the same things her mom did when she was a little girl). We then grabbed a shrimp po-boy from Sammy's and went on to Bill and Polly's.
The next morning was.....CHRISTMAS!!!! Abby knew exactly which toys were hers under the tree! She didn't even go for Cam's presents. Santa brought Abby:
* Snow White DVD
* Chatter Elmo
* Doodle Pro
* Crayole Tadoodles
* Little People Legos
* Littple People Airplane
Leonardo Da Vinci, watch out Abigail Lindsey is about to draw!
From mom and dad she got a travel booster feeding chair. We travel so much we thought it would be useful to have.

From Cam, Abby got pajamas...yeah and they are super warm. After we got all dressed, we made the trek to Franklinton to have lunch at Aunt Margarets with her brood. Abby loved playing and seeing all of her cousins. This year, we had added a new cousin to the mix, baby Jax. He was so super tiny (1 month). Most of my mom's side of the family came from the teaching world so Abby got some educational toys (which she loved).

We left Aunt Margarets and went down the road to Uncle James and Aunt Lillian's to see the rest of the cousins and their brood. Needless to say we ate and ate throughout this day. While Abby took a nap, Uncle James and I went out to the cemetary to see mom. It wasn't the same kind of visit I usually have with her (as I felt I couldn't really talk to her or be emotional), but it was nice to see her. We left Franklinton to come back home to Baton had been a long day.
On Saturday, we did nothing during the day and then went to see Lindsey, Nancy Claire, Charles, Nancy, Lisa and Kyle. Of course there was food involved as always at that house. Bill, Polly and Cam came as well so Cam, Abby and Kyle all played together. It was nice to catch up with family. That night we went out to Superior Grill and had some good fun, drinks and food with great friends: Rebecca, Parham (in from NYC) and Jeanne. I love catching up.
On Sunday we went to St. Amant and spent the day (eating of course) with Lori, Kevin and Toni (sister and family). Daddy, Aunt Sue, Uncle Pops and Ms. Bobbie came out too and later that day Christy, Hailey and Andrew visited as well. After Abby went to sleep, we schooled Toni on her new Wii.
On Monday it was the long drive back to Texas. I really hate leaving family.

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