Thursday, April 23, 2009

TTHL and Milestone

Last night we hosted TTHL at our house. For those that are not TTHL familiar, it is Texas Tabletop Hockey League. Kind of similar to foosball but with hockey men and they can turn from side to side and such.

While that was going on, Ms. Abby was just a playing fool. She was just a happy camper to have everyone there and then paying attention to her. We did have a very exciting night though.....she crawled !!!! I didn't have the camera anywhere near so I wasn't quick enough to get pictures but I have witnesses. Up until now she has always just gone backwards but tonight she went forwards. She did it by using one knee (up on it) and then having the other leg in almost a walking position. She would put one knee forward and push with the other foot. She made it across her room. Soon we will have a mobile baby going forward. Alexandra must be a good teacher because she is learning quick.
After Abby went to bed and all the TTHL action was over, a few stayed behind and we played with the glow sticks Susan DeSantis gave to us.
This was Sarah after turning the lights off and she was 'hula hooping' with them.
I was 'raving' :) and then they turned on the lights and Tracy took a picture
Foster playing throw the glow ring on the beer bottle in the light.
Foster playing throw the glow ring on the beer bottle in the dark.

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