Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Devyn's 1st Birthday Bash!

This past weekend we went to the Gross house to celebrate Devyn's 1st birthday! She has gotten so big over the past year, and I can't believe it has been a year, but here we are.

Abby and her became instant floor buddies, chilling and playing with all the toys.

Abby watching Austin and little Rhu playing with cars...Riley is mesmerized too!

So true to first birthday fashion, there was great food, great company....and of course Devyn got birthday cake. Man did she dig in and demolish her little cake. Such a different way of eating than Alex on her first birthday. I can't wait for Abby to have cake for the first time. I refuse to give her any because I want her first cake to be on her birthday. I know this may seem silly, but that is the way I want it to be. Something different is the pinata. The older kids loved it. They all got turns...Jack Leonard, McKenzie Leonard, Riley Smiley, Stephen Rhubottom, Christian Scambray & Austin all got their whacks at the butterfly. Ultimately it was McKenzie Leonard that demolished the poor butterfly. The kids went crazy over the candy!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!!! I'm so happy that you guys made it to the party!!
